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소녀시대'사랑해요 !

Wednesday, August 11, 2010 @ 7:02 PM

Singapore Flyer and Duck Tour
10 August 2010.
Overall it was fun uh! I had fun with Tisya, Regin, Jared, Cassandra, Darryl, Shuhooi, Ashely, Jasper, JJ, Yekkhee and many more... HAHA! I lazy write about what happened lah. More photos in facebook! I only took some of the best taken. (:

Tisya's baby! :D

A friendly angmo at the carbin after us. (:

Cassandra and Shuhooi don't know doing what. HAHA!

DUCK! Quack~ Quack~

Before we enter the flyer! :)

Jump shot 2! (:

This was when we were at the top of the flyer. HAHA!

Test jump shot. HAHA!

All jump~

The boys team! :)
Now, the girls team! (:

Duck tour! Hi~

This was also taken at the top of the flyer.

Cassandra's! Cute???!

@ 6:54 PM

Happy 15th Birthday, Pearlyn Lim Shang Bin! (:

Birthday to you, babe! You're older now! Hope that everything will be fine in your CCA ya, president! Jiayou. (: Hahaha, and good luck in your studies, I know that you're smarter than me, POA freak! :D Hahaha! Teach me POA, my POA sucks ttm! :( When I mastered the braides, i'll help you do okay? Haha! As for the ring that idk how to mend it today, I'll buy strings and make different colours rings for you. Hahah! Stay pretty and cheerful everyday! We don't get use to you being emo for just a moment. Hahaha, so must be happy everyday uh. ;)

@ 6:42 PM

National Day' 10
Went out with Pearlyn and Jinyuan (last min) to watch fireworks at Sinapore River! We were suppose to reach there early to find Jared and friends but we waited for that koh jinyuan, and the Merlion Park was sealed up. -.- We walked a long way to get to Sinagpore River and can't enter Esplanade to go to Merlion Park. We called Jared to ask his friend to act as our dad to bring us in but he said we were at the wrong place and fireworks are starting soon so he can't help us. Regin call me to ask if we want to go to her house to watch when the fireworks will be starting soon. And before we talked finish, the fireworks started. Haha! (: The fireworks for this year is "cute"! HAHA, what stars and moon together (anyhow boom). Haha! After the fireworks ended, we walked to Raffles Place MRT to take train back to Bedok. This is call smart as we didn't take the Esplanade circle line. Haha! (:

Pearlyn and me. :)
Pearlyn and Jinyuan. (:
Jinyuan and me! (:

This is a baby hand, hahaha! But nice uh?!
Photos taken by Jared:

Saturday, August 7, 2010 @ 1:58 PM

Speech Day Performance! (:

Was about to leave my house and I received a phone call from Ms Nora asking me where's the costume and stuffs then have to inform everyone that after assembly straight go to ITR1. So I did when I informed everyone to go ITR1 at 8.30am the night before.
We got a marching parade or whatever it's called and Pearlyn's there! :D Haha! The marching wasn't together but at least Sjab's was quite neat. (: Too bad no photographing is allowed so Jared can't take any photos either from the parade or the Speech Day Performance. :( Damn that teacher (we know who)!
After the marching, all the people involve in the concert were asked to go have their recess but I told everyone to go ITR1 and to go change which pratically some of them keep argue that they want to eat first. Lol, it was then Ms Nora came in and scold what we waiting for, and asked us to go change. -.-

After we changed, we ate the buns and do some make-ups. At 9, we were asked to go for rehearsal and Fiona asked me for the disk! I was OMFG!!!! I FORGET TO BRING THE SONG DISK!!!!!!! I rushed up to the ITR1 and called my dad using Meixuan's phone and asked if he can help me take but he's at Singapore River. I went to asked permission from Miss Farhana if I can go home. Yiqin and I rushed down to flag for a cab while Meixuan helped me to tell Ms Nora and Meixuan told me that she scolded me for being irresponsible. "Humans made mistakes okay!" I was told to do some many things, you keep made changes and I've to inform everyone, of course I'll forget some of the things uh! When we reached the General Office, Wadwani stopped me and just nice, Mr Hafiz was free, he drove us to my house to take the disk. Thanks Mr Hafiz! (:

Reached school and was told that there's no more rehearsal, I felt quite angry cos I haven't let some of them who didn't came ytd to do their steps and see if they can cope with that long trousers. LOL! We started to do our make-up and idk how to do so I asked Yiqin to help me and instead, was scolded by Ms Nora again because I'm like wasting Yiqin's time. -.- But Yiqin still continue to help me do the make-up. Thanks Yiqin! ♥ ya. (: Oh and Sheryl for helping me out with my hair cos it's like gonna drop after I ran to get the disk. ♥ you too! (:

Finally, at 10am, the concert was about to start. :D The teachers have to join as audiences so I was told to throw all the plastic bags after they ate the buns, keep all the make-up sets. Then the teachers went out. So I threw away the plastic bags while some I left it there because some of the buns are halfway eaten. I kept the makeup sets but Yiqin and some people are still using so I left some there. So we took lots of photos using my camera and have fun until Meixuan suddenly say want use com and since teachers weren't around, alot people started using which I pratically can't stop them. Rachel and Caline came to visit us too! :D It was then Ms Nora came and she started scolding when she saw some of them using the computers and one of the computers were left switch on cos Xinhui went to the toilet. Haix!

I got scolded by allowing them to use the computers (I can't stop them), not keeping the make-up sets (they were still using), not throwing the plastic bags after they ate the buns (is because they didn't eat finish, and when they did, they just left it there when I alr threw away alot). After that, Ms Nora scolded me again for the lost of 1 brusher and something so I've to find the teacher who borrowed it. Lol, I came back, she scolded me again because Jaimee and Xinhui wore coloured panties and can be seen. BUT WHAT CAN I DO WHEN THEY WORE COLOURED PANTIES? I don't have spares safety pants. ):

So, for the dance, it was alright! Many audiences said that it was not bad although there was quite a number of repeated steps throughout the dance and the mistakes weren't really that obvious. Haha! The finale was finally once high! :D

After the performances, Nadirah, Jaimee and I went to eat at the canteen. And Jaimee dropped her plate. LOL! After that, we saw a jerk which made our (Sheryl, Meixuan, Jaimee, Nadirah, Me) appetite went down. Lol! After that, we went to Essential Q bubbletea and I bought mango smoothies. :D After that, went home and uploaded the photos in facebook. HAHA!

Some of the photos are here peeps!! :D
Me in chinese dance costume! :D

Sheryl and Yiqin in Malay dance costume! :D
Nadirah in Indian dance costume!
The first eights of Indian dance.

Meixuan and me! HAHA! Do we look alike?

Nice effect! Idk who did it. Most probably Yiqin! HAHA.

Now you can tell that we look alike! HAHA!

The sec 3s! :)

Jump shot 1. (: Perfectxczcxz!

Meixuan and me! :)

Yay, malay, chinese, chinese, malay.

Omg, Sheryl is doing ballet! :X

Jaimee took this photo when I was tidying my messed-up hair after the performance. (:



Kpop's SNSD luvs .
Seohyun is the jjang !

A student of BGSS
Modern Dancer
Wants to recieve presents and wishes on 27/11every year!
Dancing is her obsession.
She is currently Single!
If you call me Jasmine or Cockroach(Zhang Lang), you'll be in deep trouble! Just called me Wei Ling or any nicknames that I'm alright with! Used to be a FSPS student. Now is a BGSS student from 1/2, 2E2, 3E2 :D . I love to watch drama especially from Korea and Taiwan. I hate Singapore's dramas the most! No offence! :) SNSD, Big Bang, Super Junior are loved! I'm now currently a fan of SeoHyun.
Msn: teoweiling@hotmail.com

Last update:17052010!
{♥}Mom and Dad!
{♥}Jin Hui!

{♥}1/2'08, 2E2'09, 3E2'10 :D !

Last update:01022009!
:DGet flying colours result for EOY'10!
:DAll the problems will be solved!
:DHeels and converse shoes!
:D{♥}Digital camera!
:D{♥}Learn how to speak korea language!
:D{♥}Go Korea!
:DHeadset for phone and com!
:DTo go to 3E1/3E2 next year!
:DMore class(pri and sec) chalets!

SayEn and ME!! :D
Modern Dancers! :)
Modern Dancers! :D
SNSD! <3 (Girl's Generation) SeoHyun!!!{♥}{♥}{♥} I love SeoHyun!:D


Run Devil Run